
Selasa, 29 Agustus 2017

Example report tourism teks of Srau Tourrist by grop 1 SMA Negeri Punung Year Student of 2015/2016

Hallo guys, good afternoon. On this sunny day, I and my friends are having vacation in very beautiful beach. This water is very clear that make the view is so fresh, and make the panorama green, white sand and blue of the water make us very interested, so we’re comfort to stay in here.
Friends, do you know where is the location of the beautiful beach? Yeach, this beautiful beach is like beach in Bali because the colour of sand is white. But, don’t you be surprised if the beach is not in Bali Island. This beautiful beach is in East Java, Pacitan, Pringkuku, Candi Village. The beautiful beach is called Srau Beach. Do you know what is expecially about Srau Beach? Srau Beach wasn’t one beach. It the three beach as, the First is Srau Beach, Second is Srau Beach, and the Third is Srau Beach. Now, I and my friends in the Third Srau Beach and we will start our journey. Are you curious? Okay, keep patient yesJ
For you all guys, expecially you all who stay in Pacitan East Java, if  you want to go to Bali Island just to see the beach with white sand, why don’t you go to the beautiful beach in your home? Why not this can make yau get benefit? Another, you will have a simple time to come to this beach, you will have expert judgment.
Guys, do you know how you can come here? Are you aware that coming here is very easy? Yes, very good. You can come here easily. You can come by motorcycle or a car. The way to get there is nice. In your trip to this beautiful beach of Srau, you will have something so very iteresting, expecially someone who love the journey for adventureJ
Oh yes, introduce me guys. My name is ....(5)...... . I go to here for a vacation and come here to see the beautiful beach which has white sand like a Bali beach. I’m coming here with my five friends. They are now near beach’s water. Okay let’s continue our trip. Let’s join with them thereJ>>>
Yapp, this is all my friends. Let me introduce.
1.      Hay, my name is...... . I’m from SMA Punung class eleven science three. I’m live in ......
2.      ........
3.      ......
4.      ......
            Do you know Friends, what we’re going to do in this beautiful beach? Do you think here we only can see the beautiful beach? If you think this, you have a big false. In this beautiful beach, another view is the beautiful panorama, there are many kind of activities as just we can do. With what? Yapp, in every beach, what not you play this beach water or make a castle from the sand in there? Here, we also can doing this, playing beach water and make an excessive castle with the white sand. So, let’s doJ
            Friends, now, let’s walk around here. But, do you know samothing a warn in this beach? You should play beach water cerefully. This beach water has big waves. You don’t need to swim in Srau Beach. Another first reason, this beach is very danger, because here has a poison of  jelly fish. Okay, let’s join our trip.
Friends, if you are tired,you can have rest. Let’s sit in the white sand there. (having sit) Guys, having rest, let’s make a big castle? Enjoying the beautiful panorama, let’s do! Okay,,,,
            Yayyy..... our castle is ready friends. This is excelent job together. Oh yes guys, if you do not want to walk around or make white sand castle, you can use your time for free with view the beautiful panorama by doing nothing, just sit on a chair. Okay, now let’s continoue our journey. We will go to the second part of beach. From people around the beach, they say that the second part of beach is very beautiful. Oh yes friends, for you which love the nature sport, you can do sport from this third beach to second beach or first beach for hiking. Do you know what is hiking? Hiking is first of all by nature sprt which we are doing by walking for long distance. Okay, now let’s have hiking to the second beach and first beachJ
            Yappp,,,,,, Friends, this is the second beach by Srau Beach. This is the part beach was the most beautiful. Here, you can have refresing. The beach have a pure of blue water. There, you can rise a ship to the hill in midle water. The hill can be climbed, but now, you can’t climb there, because now pair was prepare by tourist officers. Don’t worry guys, althought you can’t climb the hill, you can play under hill that have tunnel. In the tunnel there was wave beat. Here, you can play beach water more fun, but don’t forget to be carefull, because there  was sharpcliff  and poison of jelly fish. Do you want to know how about the tunnel ? Once again guys, in the most beautiful beach, you also can take picture. This is better for you to have picture because here of course it is very most beautifull. Don’t forget, here you are also supposed  not to swim. Here another was a poison of jelly fish was also a big wave. Okay, yucks, we are going there!JJJ,,,,,
            Friends, this is a tunnel . On this tunnel is a hill that there, you can see the all panorama in the Srau Beach more clearly. We really want to go there. Do you also want to there guys? Let’s go JJJJ
            Friends, this is the hill on last tunnel. From here, you can see the beautiful panorama. You also can see, there are large the beach. You also can see all in around the hill. If you just want view the beautiful panorama around, you do not necessary have long journey, but you can walk here and see by here. Friends, are you fine and strong enough ? Do you want have sport now? For whom is nature lover and sport, let’s have hiking again to the first part of beachJJJ
            Guys, this is the first part o the beach. There are many cliffs. You can have journey in the cliff by finding some of water animals. But, you are not supposed to walk in bare foot  because the cliff is very danger. Just not this, althought here the wave is not big, you can’t swim because here there is a danger of jelly fish. There, my friend have taked picture and journey. Another, are you want do some thing was diferent? In here, you also can have fishing. Are you know where the place for fishing? Yach, in there, on the lacing hill. Was more, before you come to the where we can fishing, you also can have sport too, this is climb the hill. Let’s going there together friendsJJJ
            Guys, here you can have sport which  make you more fun. Do you know, what  is this? Volleyball. Yes, here you can play volleyball with your friends or your family,,, you can play vollyeball comfortably, not more different with the nature yard, because here  is also place for playing volleyball. Do you want to do? If yes, let’s do our jobJJJ,,,,,
            Friends, in the first part of Srau Beach, of course there are many kind of activities that can be done,  on free time we can practice many kinds sports. Yapp, here  we can do many sport activitis such as climbing hill and playing volleyball. You can also play with many big or small balls. here  it has a large place after lacing beach. here also as a shelter because  there are many coconut tree. Friends, are you hungry and thirsty? If yes, let’s have a rest,  and have free time in the mini store. (all walk to the mini store) Friends, here there is much wind that makes the  air is so fresh. The time will be more fun by enjoying a nice food at Srau Beach. Do you know, the food is very delicious. Hmmm, yummyyyyyJ
            All guys, this is about Srau Beach. The beach in Pacitan City is like the beach in Bali Island. The beach  has many kind beautiful of panorama and has many natural resources. Friends, do you want to be more long time and more curious how about Srau Beach is, COMING TO THE SRAU BEACH!! Come here, you will have something  very interest and fun. We are here, we  miss you in the beautyful beach of Srau Beach in Candi Village.....

"Itu Sampah atau Apa?" (Tugas Cerpen Anekdot Kelompok 2 SMA Negeri Punung TP 2014/2015

[Waktu liburan semester kelas X dulu, aku dan temen-teman pergi berlibur ke istana pemerintahan di negara kami. Kami memilih ke tempat itu agar kami mendapat pengetahuan sehingga kami terdidik. Di sepanjang perjalanan canda dan tawa riang kami luapkan bersama-sama.]
Aku : “Beri tau aku jika kamu lihat!” (duduk sambil bermain game di
...... : “Beri tahu apa?” (memandang si aku dengan penasaran)
Aku : “Itu sampah atau apa sih?” (penasaran)
...... : “Jelas itu adalah sampah.” (mengalihkan perhatian dari si aku)
Aku : “Mengapa di jalanan dan di selokan penuh dengan sampah
...... : “Karena warga di daerah sini suka membuang sampah
Aku : “Bahkan di laci meja pun penuh sampah.”
...... : “hahhhh.... Masa??? Kamu ngaco ya?” (keheranan)
Aku : “Iya, aku serius. Kamu tidak percaya? Di dalam bus, truk, dan
angkot pun ada sampah.” (menghentikan gamenya dan memasukkan HP-nya ke dalam tas.)
...... : “wahh... Negeri kita memang sangat kaya di dunia. Sayangnya
kekayaan kita adalah sampah.”
Aku : (mengambil makanan dari tas dan memakannya) “Bisakah
kamu memberi tuhuku tentang pendapatmu?”
...... : “Pendapat tentang apa?” (agak sinis)
Aku : “Menurutmu, negeri kita ini apakah negeri sampah?”
...... : “Tentu saja iya.”
Aku : “Lautan sampah?” (terkejut)
...... : “Iya.”
Aku : “Gunung sampah?” (terbelalak)
...... : “Iyalah.”
Aku : “Apakah juga negeri tong sampah?” (menyodorkan makanan
pada ......)
...... : “Itu sangat benar.” (mengambil makanan yang disodorkan aku)
[Perjalanan pun berlanjut hingga tinggal beberapa menit lagi untuk sampai di isana pemerintahan negara. Canda dan tawa mereka pun terhenti beberapa saat karena perasaan heran yang memenuhi hati mereka.]
Aku : (mengambil kamera dari tas dan memotret sekitarnya)
“Hemmhhhh....... Banyak sekali tempat orang berkumpul digunukan untuk tempat sampah.”
....... : “Memengnya dimana kamu menemukan sampah salain yang
kamu sebut tadi?” (penasaran)
Aku : “Di kursi restoran dan hotel berbintang pun ada sampah.”
...... : “Lalu dimana lagi?”
Aku : “Di meja direktur, tempat penyeberangan, dan bawah pos
satpam juga ada sampah.” (memasukkan sampah jajannya ke tempat sampah yang telah di sediakan di mobil)
...... : “Aduh benar-benar tidak enak di pandang mata dan membuat
hati tidak nyaman.”
Aku : “Benar. Itu sampah atau apaan sih?”
...... : “Jelas sekali bahwa itu adalah sampah. Apakah di tempat lain
masih ada sampah?”
Aku : “Tentu saja ada. Di ruang sidang ada sampah. Di ruang tunggu
rumah sakit juga ada sampah.”
...... : “Di pusat kesehatan pun banyak sampah di sana-sini?
Pantas saja orang-orang di negeri kita, jika sakit dan berobat ke rumah sakit tidak kunjung sembuh, tapi malah meninggal sekalian.”
Aku : “Tidak hanya di dua tempat itu saja, di atas pot bunga
sekolahan pun juga ada sampah.”
...... : “Yang benar saja kamu itu? Masa iya sih? (terbelalak keheranan)
Aku : “Aku bicara betul. Dan itulah kenyataannya saat aku melihat-
lihat ke sejumlah sekolah yang ada di negeri kita ini, sampah ku temukan di segala penjuru.”
...... : “Ohh pantas saja banyak orang yang sekolah di zaman ini itu
kalau sudah lulus yang di bawa bukan ijasah, melainkan sampah yang telah lama mereka tabung beratus-ratus hari.”
Aku : “Sungguh, sampah sudah merajalela dan menjadi sahabat
manusia.” (sambil menggeleng-gelengkan kepalanya)
[Akhirnya, mereka pun tiba di tempat wisata yang mereka tuju untuk yang pertama kalinya itu. Dengan senang si Aku dan temen-temannya itu menuju dalamnya istana.]
Aku : “Di istana orang utama negeri sebesar ini apakah juga ada
sampah ya?” (sambil menoleh pada si ...... dengan tatapan datar sambil berjalan masuk ke istana)
...... : “Tadi kan kamu mengatakan sampah sudah merajalela dan
menjadi sahabat manusia, berarti dimanapun itu, pasti ada sampahnya. Termasuk di dalam istana presiden ini juga. Bisakah kamu memastikan bahwa disini juga ada sampah?” (memotret suasana di halaman depan istana)
Aku : “Tentu saja” (sangat yakin) “Pada siang hari itu, aku
masuk ke dalam istana ini didampingi oleh penjaga istana dan aku menelusuri setiap sudut di istana ini. Dan ternyata, sampah pun tak punya malu di tempat yang sangat megah ini.”
...... : “Di sudut-sudut istana pun ada sampah?” (haran seolah tak
percaya) “Dimana saja itu?”
Aku : (menunjuk ke bawah tiang bendera) “Itu adalah sampah.”
...... : “Dimana lagi sampah itu kamu temkaan?” (penasaran)
Aku : “Lihatlah!” (menunjuk gerbang MPR) “Kantong plastik itu
bukankah sampah?”
...... : “Tentu saja itu adalah sampah.”
Aku : (bingung)
...... : (memperhatikan si aku) “Kenapa kamu terlihat bingung?”
Aku : “Apakah di kursi-kursi parlemen ada sampah pula?”
...... : “Jelas ada.”
Aku : “Coba tunjukkan kepadaku!” (penasaran)
...... : “Lihatlah sendiri kesana!” (menunjuk ke dalam ruangan
Aku : “Lihat apa?”
...... : (tarik napas panjang dan menghembuskannya) “Katanya tadi
Aku : “Akukan menyuruhmu untuk menunjukkannya kepadaku.
Mengapa kamu malah menyuruhku untuk melihatnya sendiri? Apa kamu tidak berani?”
...... : “Siapa yang tidak berani? Aku berani saja. Mengapa harus
takut? Memangnya sampah itu hantu apa?” (agak kesal)
Aku : “Coba lihat dan tunjukkan kepadaku! Aku ingin tahu dan
...... : “Ayo kita masuk! Itu sampah ada di ujung sana dan ujng sini
bukan? Sudahkah kamu puas atas jawabanku?”
Aku : “Ohhhh....... Sungguh.......” (heran sambil menggeleng-
gelengkan kepala)
...... : “Kenapa?” (merasa aneh)
Aku : “Sampah sudah menjadi bunga-bunga nusantara.”
...... : “Mengapa kamu mengatakan bahwa sampah menjadi bunga-
bunga nusantara? Apa alasanmu?”
Aku : “Karena sampah ada dimana-mana. Apakah di dalam mulut
manusia pun juga ada sampah?” (penasaran)
....... : “Kalau kamu menyimpulkan sampah ada dimana-mana, berarti
di dalam mulut manusia pun juga ada ampahnya.”
Aku : “Periksalah dulu sekarang!!! Cepat!!! Jika tidak ada, syukurlah.”
...... : “Itu sama sekali tidak benar, karena banyak sekali sampah dari
dalam mulut manusia yang berserakan dimana-mana. Malah-malah melebihi sampah yang berserakan di TPA.”
Aku : “Dasar manusia yang ada disini sangat sombong. Membuang
sampah seenaknya.” (kesal dan wajah menggerutu)
...... : “Lantas harus bagaimana lagi? Membuang sampah
sembarangan adalah makanan mereka setiap harinya.”
Aku : “Seharusna makanan itu mereka ubah. Dengan cara apapun.
Seharusnya mereka tidak membiarkan negerinya menjadi tong sampah terbesar dunia. Itu harus di ingat.”
...... : “Itu sangat benar. Mereka bukanlah binatang. Tapi, jika di
nasehati saja, telinga mereka itu hanyalah hiasan belaha untuk menggantung pakaian saat dijemur. Kamu tau sendiri bukan?”
Aku : “Ya. Aku tahu. Maka agar tidak seperti binatang, kita sendiri
juga harus beradap.” (dengan nada yang agak mengeras)
          Akhirnya mereka pun selesai dalam menikmati tempat wisatanya itu, dan segera bergegas menuju  tempat rekreasi yang selanjutnya. Canda tawa riang mereka selalu menghiasi perjalanannya yang tidak mereka rasa melelahkan.