
Selasa, 25 Agustus 2020

Report Text of Tabuhan Cave

 English Subject, 2015/2016

Group I, XI MIA 3, SMA N Punung

Report Text of Tabuhan Cave

(Actor: Amalia Ath Thariq4, Erlina Wahyu Ningsih5, Fenda Dwi Panungkas1, Maharani Yasiroh6, Riwayat Nanik Lestari2 and Silvia Ayu Aprilia3)

(Person 1)

Hallo guys, good afternoon. On this sunny day, I and my friends are having vacation in very beautiful mountain. The air so fresh, the weather very clear and the panorama green make us very interest so were confort to stay in here. This mountain very hight to pick up firmament and also have opening cave gawk where can swallow in every what near it.

You will be easily to coming here because can go with motorcycle, car or mini bus. In your trip to here you also will views the green plants who like green carpet. I’m sure if you’re certain know where location the beautiful mountain whose have thousands beautiful. This mountain in Tbuhan, Wareng, Punung, Pacitan City, eas Java. In this mountain was a cave who name is Tabuhan Cave. Do you know, in Javanese, Tabuhan have relationship with music? Hmm, what estimate the relationship between this place and music yes? Cerious? Let’s next our escape!

Oh yes, introduce me. I’m (1). I have Senior High School of Punung. They is my five friend. Let’s introduce with they!  Hi, my name (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6).

(Person 2)

Sob, last time you have leak that in Javanese, Tabuhan have relationship with music. Do you want to know how this talk? Truly observe! I will gave you some tell. It’s about The Legend of Tabuhan Cave.

How this cave gave named Tabuhan Cave? Long time ago there was Mr.Santiko awho loses the caw. Then, he try to find her caw. Next time, he met her caw in the cave. The caw wan’t exit because in the cave was water for drink. Because the cave mounth so dirty, Mr. Santiko want help by other farmer have cleaning the cave mounth. After that, Mr. Santiko entered to the cave for take her caw. By the cave mounth, seddenly, Mr. Santiko have beat the first of all the stone in the cave and gave the harmoni music. The orther farmer also try what Mr. Santiko doing. By that, they gaved name the cave with the Tabuhan Cave. End.

Oh yes, do you know if Tabuhan Cave justn’t famous the legend tale, the cave also ofamous in knowledge, expecially in history. Do you want to know what is specially? View next our tale!

(Person 3)

Friends, last time in rehistory period, this cave nothing just mountain where have cavity. Tabuhan Cave a part by archeological sites history important and have possibility that there is cave living the unique human which probably was great-grandparents around community. In 2002 years is hold excavation and find fossil unique human which probably live there. The excavation aecheology have argue that in Tabuhan Cave living unique human start at 50 thousand years ago. In there also have straight stone tools by period 10 thousand years ago. Nothing, there also find molusca and tooth fossil which cling in butterss cave. Now, you can saw in right cave which have container excavation archeology which have fence.

(Person 4)

Friends, in this cave saving by the thousands rich when was nothing be expresse, but now a part as have exploitate just estate archeology. The excavation knowledge and exploitate from this cave must we balance with conservation. The beautiful mountain, cleaning and leafy environment also fresh air must we defense. Friends, do you know what maybe can make you interested another consum beautiful mountain here? Maybe you know what the answer. Sport nature and work art human is so more usual beautiful. Do you want to know? Lets joint with my five friends under!

(Person 5)

Another hunting interesting vacation, what want you find again? Of course, souvenir. In history tourism serve the beautiful souvenir, jawrly noble stone. Value to promotion so cheap, about 150.000 up to 1.000.000 Indonesian Money. If you have journey here, don’t forget stay in this store jawerly noble stone. Okay, lets keep go!

(Person 6)

Friends, lets joint to Tabuhan Cave where have beautiful panorama and interesting stalagtid and stalagmite where can gave harmony music if have beat. Quickly minong here! You wiln’t disappointed and willn’t lose out with specially beautiful. Just not it, you will also gave learn by history aecheology. You also will hane jawerly noble stone for souvenir. Don’t forget coning here!

Good afternoon and bye see you! We will miss you in the knowledge and beautiful cave.



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